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The following articles (labelled with PubMed ID or TBD) are for your review

Article Title
Rational design of novel, potent small molecule pan-selectin antagonists.EBI
Revotar Biopharmaceuticals
Novel synthetic inhibitors of selectin-mediated cell adhesion: synthesis of 1,6-bis[3-(3-carboxymethylphenyl)-4-(2-alpha-D- mannopyranosyloxy)phenyl]hexane (TBC1269).EBI
Texas Biotechnology
Studies on selectin blockers. 7. Structure-activity relationships of sialyl Lewis X mimetics based on modified Ser-Glu dipeptides.EBI
Studies on selectin blocker. 1. Structure-activity relationships of sialyl Lewis X analogs.EBI
Institute Of Cancer Research
Studies on selectin blockers. 2. Novel selectin blocker as potential therapeutics for inflammatory disorders.EBI
New Drug Research Laboratory
A solid-phase synthesis for beta-turn mimetics of sialyl Lewis X.EBI
Nippon Organon K.K.
Aryl C-glycosides: physiologically stable glycomimetics of sialyl Lewis X.EBI
Selectin-ligand interactions revealed by molecular dynamics simulation in solution.EBI