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  • 1PPC: geometry of binding of the benzamidine-and arginine-based inhibitors n-alpha-(2-naphthyl-sulphonyl-glycyl)-dl-p-amidinophenylalanyl- piperidine (napap) and (2r,4r)-4-methyl-1-[n-alpha-(3-methyl-1,2,3,4- tetrahydro-8-quinolinesulphonyl)-l-arginyl]-2-piperidine carboxylic acid (mqpa) to human alpha-thrombin: x-ray crystallographic determination of the napap-trypsin complex and modeling of napap- thrombin and mqpa-thrombin (10.1111/J.1432-1033.1990.TB19320.X )
  • 1ETS: refined 2.3 angstroms x-ray crystal structure of bovine thrombin complexes formed with the benzamidine and arginine-based thrombin inhibitors napap, 4-tapap and mqpa: a starting point for improving antithrombotics (10.1016/0022-2836(92)91054-S )
  • 1DWD: crystallographic analysis at 3.0-angstroms resolution of the binding to human thrombin of four active site-directed inhibitors