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  • 4M2W: genetically engineered carbonic anhydrase ix in complex with dorzolamide (10.1016/J.BMC.2013.08.033 )
  • 4M2U: carbonic anhydrase ii in complex with dorzolamide (10.1016/J.BMC.2013.08.033 )
  • 4K13: structure of hcaix mimic (hcaii with 5 mutations in active site) in complex with dorzolamide
  • 3FW3: crystal structure of soluble domain of ca4 in complex with dorzolamide (10.1016/J.BMC.2010.03.014 )
  • 6BC9: joint x-ray/neutron structure of human carbonic anhydrase ii in complex with dorzolamide (10.1016/J.STR.2018.01.006 )
  • 1CIL: the positions of his-64 and a bound water in human carbonic anhydrase ii upon binding three structurally related inhibitors