The first public molecular recognition database, BindingDB supports research, education and practice in drug discovery, pharmacology and related fields.

BindingDB contains 2.8M data for 1.2M Compounds and 9.2K Targets. Of those, 1,346K data for 622K Compounds and 4.5K Targets were curated by BindingDB curators. BindingDB is a FAIRsharing resource.

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The following articles (labelled with PubMed ID or TBD) are for your review

Article Title
An optimized protein kinase C activating diacylglycerol combining high binding affinity (Ki) with reduced lipophilicity (log P).EBI
National Cancer Institute-Frederick
Conformationally constrained analogues of diacylglycerol. 9.1 the effect of side-chain orientation on the protein kinase C (PK-C) binding affinity of σ-lactonesEBI
New bivalent PKC ligands linked by a carbon spacer: enhancement in binding affinity.EBI
Georgetown University Medical Center
SAR of 4-hydroxypiperidine and hydroxyalkyl substituted heterocycles as novel p38 map kinase inhibitors.EBI
Novartis Pharma
Acetylcholinesterase complexed with bivalent ligands related to huperzine a: experimental evidence for species-dependent protein-ligand complementarity.BDB
Weizmann Institute Of Science