BDBM50198836 CHEMBL389033::[3-amino-3-(3-octylphenylcarbamoyl)propyl]-phosphonic acid



Data  2 KI  2 EC50

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TargetSphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 1(Human)
University of Virginia

Curated by ChEMBL
LigandPNGBDBM50198836(CHEMBL389033 | [3-amino-3-(3-octylphenylcarbamoyl)...)
Affinity DataKi:  30nMAssay Description:Displacement of [32P]S1P from human S1P1 receptor expressed in HEK293T cellsMore data for this Ligand-Target Pair
In DepthDetails ArticlePubMed

TargetSphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 3(Human)
University of Virginia

Curated by ChEMBL
LigandPNGBDBM50198836(CHEMBL389033 | [3-amino-3-(3-octylphenylcarbamoyl)...)
Affinity DataKi:  300nMAssay Description:Displacement of [32P]S1P from human S1P3 receptor expressed in HEK293T cellsMore data for this Ligand-Target Pair
In DepthDetails ArticlePubMed

TargetSphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 5(Human)
University of Virginia

Curated by ChEMBL
LigandPNGBDBM50198836(CHEMBL389033 | [3-amino-3-(3-octylphenylcarbamoyl)...)
Affinity DataEC50:  33nMAssay Description:Activity at human S1P5 receptor expressed in HEK293T cells by [35S]GTPgammaS binding assayMore data for this Ligand-Target Pair
In DepthDetails ArticlePubMed

TargetSphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 4(Human)
University of Virginia

Curated by ChEMBL
LigandPNGBDBM50198836(CHEMBL389033 | [3-amino-3-(3-octylphenylcarbamoyl)...)
Affinity DataEC50:  6.10E+3nMAssay Description:Activity at human S1P4 receptor expressed in HEK293T cells by [35S]GTPgammaS binding assayMore data for this Ligand-Target Pair
In DepthDetails ArticlePubMed