Your request to link to rcsb for BDBM50008543
- 1DIQ: crystal structure of p-cresol methylhydroxylase with substrate bound (10.1006/JMBI.1999.3290 )
- 5TDU: toluene 4-monooxygenase (t4mohd) bound to product after turnover in crystal (10.1038/NATURE21681 )
- 5FRV: crystal structure of the phenol-responsive sensory domain of the transcription activator poxr in complex with 4-methylphenol (cresol) (10.1016/J.STR.2016.03.006 )
- 4KQJ: crystal structure of cobt s80y/q88m/l175m complexed with p-cresol and namn (10.1016/J.BBAGEN.2013.09.038 )
- 4KQK: crystal structure of cobt s80y/q88m/l175m complexed with p-cresol (10.1016/J.BBAGEN.2013.09.038 )
- 3Q14: toluene 4 monooxygenase hd complex with p-cresol (10.1021/BI2018333 )
- 1JHU: three-dimensional structure of cobt in complex with p-cresol (10.1074/JBC.M105390200 )
- 1JHV: three-dimensional structure of cobt in complex with p-cresol and nicotinate (10.1074/JBC.M105390200 )
- 5K1Q: crystal structure of oxidized shewanella yellow enzyme 4 (sye4) in complex with p-methylphenol (10.1002/1873-3468.12833 )
- 6OO6: dehaloperoxidase b in complex with substrate p-cresol (10.1016/J.ABB.2019.108079 )
- 4HDM: crystal structure of arsab in complex with p-cresol (10.1021/BI301142H )