Your request to link to rcsb for BDBM20182
- 6GQF: the structure of mouse astera (gramd1a) with 25-hydroxy cholesterol (10.1016/J.CELL.2018.08.033 )
- 3GKJ: npc1d(ntd):25hydroxycholesterol (10.1016/J.CELL.2009.03.049 )
- 6BYM: crystal structure of the sterol-bound second start domain of yeast lam4 31-jan-18 6bym 1 title (10.1074/JBC.RA118.001881 )
- 1ZHX: structure of yeast oxysterol binding protein osh4 in complex with 25- hydroxycholesterol (10.1038/NATURE03923 )
- 3L0L: crystal structure of orphan nuclear receptor rorgamma in complex with natural ligand (10.1210/ME.2009-0507 )
- 6T50: ror(gamma)t ligand binding domain in complex with 25- hydroxycholesterol and allosteric ligand glenmark (10.1073/PNAS.2021287118 )
- 8IVF: fabp7 complexed with 25-hc (10.1083/JCB.202211062 )
- 6T4X: ror(gamma)t ligand binding domain in complex with 25- hydroxycholesterol and allosteric ligand fm26 (10.1073/PNAS.2021287118 )
- 6T4Y: ror(gamma)t ligand binding domain in complex with 25- hydroxycholesterol and allosteric ligand mrl871 (10.1073/PNAS.2021287118 )
- 6M49: cryo-em structure of scap/insig complex in the present of 25-hydroxyl cholesterol. (10.1126/SCIENCE.ABB2224 )