Report error Found 9 Enz. Inhib. hit(s) with all data for entry = 50004201
Affinity DataKd: 7.50E+3nMAssay Description:Binding affinity to HIV1 wild type reverse transcriptase p66/p51 expressed in Escherichia coli assessed as incorporation of drug to DNA by gel electr...More data for this Ligand-Target Pair
Affinity DataKd: 2.30E+4nMAssay Description:Binding affinity to HIV1 wild type reverse transcriptase p66/p51 expressed in Escherichia coli assessed as incorporation of drug to DNA by gel electr...More data for this Ligand-Target Pair
Affinity DataKd: 7.90E+3nMAssay Description:Binding affinity to HIV1 wild type reverse transcriptase p66/p51 expressed in Escherichia coli assessed as incorporation of drug to DNA by gel electr...More data for this Ligand-Target Pair
Affinity DataKd: 3.30E+4nMAssay Description:Binding affinity to HIV1 wild type reverse transcriptase p66/p51 expressed in Escherichia coli assessed as incorporation of drug to DNA by gel electr...More data for this Ligand-Target Pair
Affinity DataKd: 6.50E+3nMAssay Description:Binding affinity to HIV1 wild type reverse transcriptase p66/p51 expressed in Escherichia coli assessed as incorporation of drug to DNA by gel electr...More data for this Ligand-Target Pair
Affinity DataIC50: 8.30E+3nMAssay Description:Inhibition of HIV1 wild type reverse transcriptase p66/p51 expressed in Escherichia coli using calf thymus DNA substrateMore data for this Ligand-Target Pair
Affinity DataIC50: 1.45E+4nMAssay Description:Inhibition of HIV1 wild type reverse transcriptase p66/p51 expressed in Escherichia coli using calf thymus DNA substrateMore data for this Ligand-Target Pair
Affinity DataIC50: 1.70E+4nMAssay Description:Inhibition of HIV1 wild type reverse transcriptase p66/p51 expressed in Escherichia coli using calf thymus DNA substrateMore data for this Ligand-Target Pair
Affinity DataIC50: 2.20E+4nMAssay Description:Inhibition of HIV1 wild type reverse transcriptase p66/p51 expressed in Escherichia coli using calf thymus DNA substrateMore data for this Ligand-Target Pair