Report error Found 4 Enz. Inhib. hit(s) with all data for entry = 50041369
Affinity DataIC50: 260nMAssay Description:Inhibitory concentration against reuptake of 5-HT from rat synaptosomesMore data for this Ligand-Target Pair
Affinity DataIC50: 1.76E+3nMAssay Description:Inhibitory concentration against reuptake of 5-HT from rat synaptosomesMore data for this Ligand-Target Pair
Affinity DataIC50: 1.00E+4nMAssay Description:Inhibitory concentration against reuptake of 5-HT from rat synaptosomesMore data for this Ligand-Target Pair
Affinity DataIC50: 1.00E+4nMAssay Description:Inhibitory concentration against reuptake of 5-HT from rat synaptosomesMore data for this Ligand-Target Pair