Your request to link to rcsb for ?-galactosidase

  • 2YDT: structure of the alpha-l-arabinofuranosidase arb93a from fusarium graminearum in complexe with an iminosugar inhibitor (10.1039/C1CC13675E )
  • 5JOX: bacteroides ovatus xyloglucan pul gh43a in complex with aradnj (10.1098/RSOB.160142 )
  • 6F1J: structure of a talaromyces pinophilus gh62 arabinofuranosidase in complex with aradnj at 1.25a resolution (10.1107/S2053230X18000250 )
  • 2YDP: structure of the e242a mutant of the alpha-l-arabinofuranosidase arb93a from fusarium graminearum in complex with an iminosugar inhibitor (10.1039/C1CC13675E )