The first public molecular recognition database, BindingDB supports research, education and practice in drug discovery, pharmacology and related fields.

BindingDB contains 2.9M data for 1.2M Compounds and 9.3K Targets. Of those, 1,352K data for 627K Compounds and 4.5K Targets were curated by BindingDB curators. BindingDB is a FAIRsharing resource.

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13 articles for thisTarget

The following articles (labelled with PubMed ID or TBD) are for your review

Article Title
Measurement of Ligand-Target Residence Times byEBI
University of Innsbruck
A Selective, Cell-Permeable Nonphosphorylated Bicyclic Peptidyl Inhibitor against Peptidyl-Prolyl Isomerase Pin1.EBI
The Ohio State University
Inhibition of protein glycation by urea and thiourea derivatives of glycine/proline conjugated benzisoxazole analogue - synthesis and structure-activity studies.EBI
University of Mysore
Probing lipid- and drug-binding domains with fluorescent dyes.EBI
European Molecular Biology Laboratory
Synthesis and antiglycation potentials of bergenin derivatives.EBI
India Institute of Chemical Technology
Near-Infrared Fluorescent Probes as Imaging and Theranostic Modalities for Amyloid-Beta and Tau Aggregates in Alzheimer's Disease.EBI
Indian Institute of Technology (Bhu)
Discovery of a Bicyclic Peptidyl Pan-Ras Inhibitor.EBI
The Ohio State University
Discovery of a benzothiophene-flavonol halting miltefosine and antimonial drug resistance in Leishmania parasites through the application of medicinal chemistry, screening and genomics.EBI
University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
Phylogenomics of 2,4-Diacetylphloroglucinol-Producing Pseudomonas and Novel Antiglycation Endophytes from Piper auritum.EBI
Unidad De Gen�Mica Avanzada (Langebio)
Antidiabetic potential of phytochemicals isolated from the stem bark of Myristica fatua Houtt. var. magnifica (Bedd.) Sinclair.EBI
Csir-National Institute For Interdisciplinary Science and Technology
High-content screen using zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos identifies a novel kinase activator and inhibitor.EBI
West Virginia University
Oligo-aspartic acid conjugates with benzo[c][2,6]naphthyridine-8-carboxylic acid scaffold as picomolar inhibitors of CK2.EBI
University of Tartu