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15 articles for thisTarget

The following articles (labelled with PubMed ID or TBD) are for your review

Article Title
Inhibition of Candida albicans isocitrate lyase activity by cadiolides and synoilides from the ascidian Synoicum sp.EBI
Seoul National University
Brominated aromatic furanones and related esters from the ascidian Synoicum sp.EBI
Seoul National University
Beta-carboline alkaloids derived from the ascidian Synoicum sp.EBI
Seoul National University
5-Hydroxyindole-type alkaloids, as Candida albicans isocitrate lyase inhibitors, from the tropical sponge Hyrtios sp.EBI
Inhibition of Candida albicans isocitrate lyase activity by sesterterpene sulfates from the tropical sponge Dysidea sp.EBI
Seoul National University
Synthesis and antimicrobial activity of brominated resorcinol dimers.EBI
University of East Anglia
Sesterterpenes from the tropical sponge Coscinoderma sp.EBI
Seoul National University
Synthetic analogs of indole-containing natural products as inhibitors of sortase A and isocitrate lyase.EBI
Bromophenols as Candida albicans isocitrate lyase inhibitors.EBI
Seoul National University
Isocadiolides A-H: Polybrominated Aromatics from a EBI
Seoul National University
Bahamaolide A from the marine-derived Streptomyces sp. CNQ343 inhibits isocitrate lyase in Candida albicans.EBI
Seoul National University
Sargachromanols as inhibitors of Na+/K+ ATPase and isocitrate lyase.EBI
Seoul National University
Meroditerpenoids from the brown alga Sargassum siliquastrum.EBI
Seoul National University
Dihydroxystyrene metabolites from an association of the sponges Poecillastra wondoensis and Jaspis sp.EBI
Seoul National University
Sesterterpenoids from the sponge Sarcotragus sp.EBI
Seoul National University