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  • 4OSD: dimer of a c-terminal fragment of phage t4 gp5 beta-helix
  • 3LUP: crystal structure of fatty acid binding degv family protein sag1342 from streptococcus agalactiae
  • 4JJ2: high resolution structure of a c-terminal fragment of the t4 phage gp5 beta-helix
  • 1HMR: 1.4 angstroms structural studies on human muscle fatty acid binding protein: binding interactions with three saturated and unsaturated c18 fatty acids (10.1016/S0969-2126(00)00052-6 )
  • 7FDT: the 0.86 angstrom x-ray structure of the human heart fatty acid- binding protein complexed with elaidic acid
  • 7E7B: cryo-em structure of the sars-cov-2 furin site mutant s-trimer from a subunit vaccine candidate (10.1128/JVI.00194-21 )
  • 7E7D: cryo-em structure of the sars-cov-2 wild-type s-trimer from a subunit vaccine candidate (10.1128/JVI.00194-21 )
  • 6P1Z: bacteriophage phikz gp163.1 paar repeat protein in complex with the c- terminal part of the t4 gp5 beta-helical domain
  • 4JIV: vca0105 paar-repeat protein from vibrio cholerae in complex with a vgrg-like beta-helix that is based on a fragment of t4 gp5 (10.1038/NATURE12453 )
  • 4KU0: enterobacteria phage t4 gp5.4 paar repeat protein in complex with t4 gp5 beta-helix fragment
  • 6P2A: chimera of bacteriophage obp gp146 central spike protein and a t4 gp5 beta-helix fragment
  • 6P20: bacteriophage phikz gp163.1 paar repeat protein in complex with a t4 gp5 beta-helix fragment modified to mimic the phikz central spike gp164
  • 6P22: photorhabdus virulence cassette (pvc) paar repeat protein pvc10 in complex with a t4 gp5 beta-helix fragment modified to mimic pvc8, the central spike protein of pvc