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  • 1QCH: structure, dynamics and hydration of the nogalamycin- d(atgcat)2 complex determined by nmr and molecular dynamics simulations in solution (10.1006/JMBI.1999.2903 )
  • 258D: factors affecting sequence selectivity on nogalamycin intercalation: the crystal structure of d(tgtaca)- nogalamycin (10.1006/JMBI.1996.0572 )
  • 1D21: binding of the antitumor drug nogalamycin and its derivatives to dna: structural comparison (10.1021/BI00497A004 )
  • 182D: dna-nogalamycin interactions: the crystal structure of d(tgatca) complexed with nogalamycin (10.1021/BI00002A005 )
  • 1D17: dna-nogalamycin interactions (10.1021/BI00219A029 )
  • 282D: a continous transition from a-dna to b-dna in the 1:1 complex between nogalamycin and the hexamer dcccggg (10.1074/JBC.271.26.15558 )
  • 245D: dna-drug refinement: a comparison of the programs nuclsq, prolsq, shelxl93 and x-plor, using the low temperature d(tgatca)-nogalamycin structure (10.1107/S0907444995012261 )
  • 224D: dna-drug refinement: a comparison of the programs nuclsq, prolsq, shelxl93 and x-plor, using the low temperature d(tgatca)-nogalamycin structure (10.1107/S0907444995012261 )