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18 articles for thisTarget

The following articles (labelled with PubMed ID or TBD) are for your review

Article Title
Synthesis and antimycobacterial activity of capuramycin analogues. Part 2: acylated derivatives of capuramycin-related compounds.EBI
Identification of novel inhibitors of phospho-MurNAc-pentapeptide translocase MraY from library screening: Isoquinoline alkaloid michellamine B and xanthene dye phloxine B.EBI
University of Warwick
Synthesis of pacidamycin analogues via an Ugi-multicomponent reaction.EBI
3-Arylpiperidines as potentiators of existing antibacterial agents.EBI
Mechanistic analysis of muraymycin analogues: a guide to the design of MraY inhibitors.EBI
Hokkaido University
Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Muraymycin Analogues Active against Anti-Drug-Resistant Bacteria.EBI
Synthesis and biological evaluation of a diazepanone-based library of liposidomycins analogs as MraY inhibitors.EBI
University of Paris
Bacterial transferase MraY inhibitors: synthesis and biological evaluation.EBI
University of Paris
Function-oriented synthesis of simplified caprazamycins: discovery of oxazolidine-containing uridine derivatives as antibacterial agents against drug-resistant bacteria.EBI
Hokkaido University
Synthesis of capuramycin and its analogues via a Ferrier-type I reaction and their biological evaluation.EBI
Hokkaido University
Design, synthesis and conformation-activity relationship analysis of LNA/BNA-type 5'-O-aminoribosyluridine as MraY inhibitors.EBI
Hokkaido University
Synthesis and antimycobacterial activity of capuramycin analogues. Part 1: substitution of the azepan-2-one moiety of capuramycin.EBI
Synthesis and evaluation of cyclopentane-based muraymycin analogs targeting MraY.EBI
Duke University
Synthesis of analogues of the O-beta-D-ribofuranosyl nucleoside moiety of liposidomycins. Part 1: contribution of the amino group and the uracil moiety upon the inhibition of MraY.EBI
Aventis Pharma
Structural requirement of tunicamycin V for MraY inhibition.EBI
Hokkaido University
Caprazamycins: Promising lead structures acting on a novel antibacterial target MraY.EBI
Griffith University
Lipophosphonoxins: new modular molecular structures with significant antibacterial properties.EBI
Academy of Sciences of The Czech Republic V.V.I.
Antibacterial Muraymycins from Mutant Strains of Streptomyces sp. NRRL 30471.EBI
Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine